
Electric motors consume about 70% of the total industrial electricity, or about 40% of the world’s electricity. Improving the efficiency of electric motors in the industry is therefore one of the most important and significant ways to reduce GHG emissions. According to IEA, “Electric motors and the systems they drive are the single largest electrical end‐use, consuming more than twice as much as lighting, the next largest end‐use. It is estimated that motors account for between 43% and 46% of all global electricity consumption”. IEA estimates that the electricity consumption of motors can be reduced by 20% with appropriate policies and regulations (with MEPS based on IE3) and by 30% should additional proactive measures are taken.
ICASEA supports the adoption of IEC60034 series as well as ambitious policy measures to encourage the industry in adopting higher efficiency motors.
ICASEA supports the adoption of IEC60034 series as well as ambitious policy measures to encourage the industry in adopting higher efficiency motors.

ASEAN Low Carbon Enery Programme
ICASEA is the regional policy expert in the UK FCO-funded ASEAN Low Carbon Emission Programme, led by EY and Carbon Trust. ICASEA helps ASEAN countries adopt international standards and ambitious policy measures to support market transformation.

Increasing the uptake of High Efficiency Motors (HEMs) and Drive Systems in Philippine Industries
ICASEA led the policy work under this project funded by the EU. The project’s objective was to increase the deployment of high efficiency electric motors and drives systems in Philippine industries through the design of model investment and financing schemes, the implementation of replicable pilot projects, and through the mobilization of key stakeholders.

Aligning Conformity Assessment Efforts for Energy Efficiency Regulations of Motors in the APEC and ASEAN Regions
ICASEA was the lead implementing partner in this project funded by APEC which was designed to support market transformation through adoption of international testing standards and MEPS, as well as improved MV&E framework.